Volunteering opportunities

Food For All cannot run without volunteers. So we welcome anyone who would like to help keep it alive. It only takes a few people to help out for a couple of hours each week and the shop can continue to run at its best. And there are lots of other opportunities for volunteering.

The kinds of things Food For All needs volunteers for include:

  • General shop work
  • Bagging up and pricing goods
  • Running outreach stalls across the area to improve access for some groups (eg older people). The outreach stalls are basically a smaller, portable version of the shop offering the same health foods to more people in various communal venues.
  • Management committee members
  • Fundraising
  • Publicity and information


If you haven’t been a volunteer before, don’t worry. Food For All can give support and training for all volunteers. We could help you to get a Certificate in Basic Food Hygiene to work in the shop or find training on being a management committee member. We can also offer general shop training and valuable work experience, which could help in future when you look for other jobs.


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