

Membership of Food For All has its advantages. All members get a 10% discount on anything bought from the shop. Membership is free.

Although the shop is open for sales to anyone and everyone, membership of Food For All is only available to people who live, work, study or volunteer in the BS13 postcode area. This area includes Hartcliffe and Withywood and some of the surrounding areas.

More than 200 households are members of Food For All, and each and every one of them has the advantages of membership. These advantages include a 10% reduction on all prices and the opportunity to be an active member running your own food co-op.

Food for all is a social enterprise run by its members for its members. Each year, the members elect some of its own members to be the management committee who make the decisions to run the organisation through the year.

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Any advertisements shown on this site are not condoned or endorsed in anyway by Food For All Co-op (Food For All Bristol).